Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Joyce Magnin grabs my heart with laughter. I take a look at the cover of the book before me and I can just picture what's inside. I know I am not going  to be disappointed. She takes  you on a memorable journey and gives you a gift to treasure as you walk away.

Oh Harriet is a wonderful character. She is filled with just about every emotion as she is getting older and things are not as easy as they once were, but she isn't giving up any time soon. I love that!

Circumstances arrive and Harriet is willing to face them, but she feels the need to do it her way. What I love is the fact that although she thinks she's doing it her way, God is really at the wheel here, doing the guiding. Harriet is moving to California. She has a lot to come face to face with and one thing is her pride. Ouch!

Something I can carry away from this story is, when things get rough, I don't have to give up, I just have to allow God room to take the wheel and trust Him along the ride.

This book was a gift from Zondervan for its review.

Joyce Magnin is the author of five novels, including the popular and quirky Bright’s Pond Series and the middle grade novel Carrying Mason. She is a frequent conference speaker and writing instructor. Joyce lives in Pennsylvania with her son, Adam, and their crazy cat, Mango, who likes to eat nachos.


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