Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Just a little prayer goes a long way

We often think our prayers must be poetic and spoken with words eleqant and proper. Thought out and well said. Our prayers are simply a conversation with God. He already knows our heart. He knows when we come to Him all that our hearts carry. He just wants to hear from us. He wants to hear our biggest fears, our deepest hurts and the anger that takes over our joy. He just wants us to open up and share it all.

A few nights ago I had the privledge of talking with a girlfriend late at night. You know what we spoke of for what seemed like hours? Our faith. We simply talked about Christ. You gotta love those girlfriends in your life that just want to talk about Jesus. Nothing else matters much when you fill every word with praise for our Savior. Just speaking His name gives us comfort. Fills us with strength. Overflows into our very presence. I had shared with her a prayer I had said for years. She said that I should share that prayer with my readers. Maybe it will give others a way to begin a tradition of hope. I never really thought of it that way. It was just me sharing a dream with Christ that turned into a prayer.

One weekend when all of our children were home we were all playing outside. When you have five children you just about have all the members you need for a softball team. We played every game imaginable outdoors. I took a break and sat on our old steps just watching. My heart melted as I watched our kids play with their dad. The laughter filled the air and I began to talk to God. I could invision His return. I could hear the sound of the trumpet and all those who love Him being called up, out of this world, into the other side of heaven. So, I simply said, "Lord, it is my prayer that when you return, when that trumpet blasts, my family will all be right here, gathered together raising up praising your name." I couldn't think of a greater gift to take part in than to have my family all gathered in laughter when we hear that trumpet blast. What a perfect gift. What a perfect prayer.

We can pass down our prayers to our children. They can than pass them down to our grandchildren. What sweeter words than for our grandchildren to hear, "This is a prayer your grandmother shared with me."

Of course our children are grown now. We have our youngest son at home with us and no, the Lord has not decided to return. We didn't hear that trumpet blast together as Ashley kicked that ball so she could take off and run like a gazelle to second base, but within that prayer was the prayer that my children would all be saved. Would all know Christ as their Savior. Would remain under His protection. Now, we have two beautiful grandchildren to add to that prayer.

You never know, that prayer could be answered just the way I prayed or maybe God is waiting for the perfect time for everyone to join us. So, I wait with anticipation for the sound of that trumpet. I wait with a heart filled with joy for His coming day.

What is your prayer today? Maybe it's a simple dream of thanks like mine on that sunny afternoon day watching my family with a heart of gratitude. May we lift up our children each and every day. No prayer is too silly and there is nothing in our heart that the Lord doesn't want us to share with Him. After all, He is our best friend. He is our Savior. He too is waiting with anticipation to return and bring His children, His family, home to be with Him and join His Father in the greatest celebration ever!


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