Sunday, June 28, 2009

Not all hurt is harmful....

Not all hurt is harmful. Is that really something we can understand? I believe so. Should I go out and call my friend a rat for no reason? No, that is hurt that cannot be understood. We never want to hurt anyone, but sometimes we can with just a word, an action,or with a look. I am not talking about that type of hurt. If my girlfriend has a booger in her nose, I tell her. If she has on white shorts, with black underwear,and they are showing, I need to step up to the plate and tell her? If she is walking into a dangerous path of an oncoming car, I should be ready to leap out and help save her. In order to grow, we must hurt. In order to find Christ,we must die to ourselves and listen to His words of rebuke. We cannot just take the bible and take out the parts we like and feel good about. We must take it all, think upon it and strive to look Christ-like. If I cannot go to a friend and share with her that I am fearful for her, then I am not a friend at all,but a bystander watching her fall into a pit. We must be honest. We must treat others as we want to be treated. If I am falling I want my friend to love me enough to stand in my way and tell me. That is how we show love. We don't walk away, and pretend its not happening,we step in out of love to cover them with love. Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend." My children may not have liked the Godly advice I gave,but one day they will see, that God's word is strong. And as a mother,if I love my children I must guide them, teach them,and point them in the direction of Christ. We can't sit back and act as though all is good, ignoring what is taking place, and covering over the red sin, with white paint doesn't work. First you must scrape off all that old dirty paint, before the real color will shine through. We sharpen one another with God's loving words, and sometimes when we are sinning,yes, it will sting. But just as a bee sting hurts, once we take out the stinger, it starts to heal and feel better. On our walk with Jesus, we are always going to hurt, we can never get away from hurt, but we can walk with Him, trusting and believing in Him. No one likes to be introuble, no one likes to get told they are doing wrong.But just as our parents taught us,"If I didn't love you, I wouldn't say anything at all."


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