Friday, June 19, 2009

Its not what we do,its how we do it.....

I am going to begin with two verses to share with you today.Colossians 3:17"And whatever you do in word or deed,do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." And also,1 Corinthians 10:31"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do,do all to the glory of God." We can learn alot from these two verses as we read them. Again,it isn't what we do,but just how we do it. Its not going to church every Sunday,never skipping a day of Sunday School in your life,going door to door five days a week,giving in charity,teaching,being in the choir,or even preaching. There are many people who have sat in church their whole lives and they are not saved by the grace of God. There are people who live their whole lives being good,that doesn't do it either. Without Christ there is no heaven.We can do all week long,but if our heart is not in it,it is worthless. We can't go to church dressed nice,talking nice,acting nice,and then once we are out the door,we are talking about the person who sat by us,or how the sermon was poorly spoken. Once we are out that door,we can't change who we are,if we are going to act one way inside,we must act the same way outside. We can mow the lawn,feed the cows,read a book,go to the zoo,take care of our parents,do the dishes,clean the house,listen to the radio,write,make cards,or scrapbook. Whatever we do,we must do it to bring glory and honor to God. That is the key here. If I spend three hours mowing our grass,I can spend three hours with Christ,speaking to Him and listening to Him. We can go on vacation,and worship all God has created by speaking of it,by sharing it,taking pictures of the beauty,and praising His name for all we see and enjoy. Its encouraging others in our day,its giving our hearts in prayer. It is taking our eyes off of ourselves, and putting them on Jesus. Its living His will in our life,not our will. Its giving all to Him. I can read a christian book and learn about Christ,and praise Him for the glory of reading,learning and growing. Yes, we do things for Christ,but its how we do them.If we are going to complain Sunday morning,and sit through church thinking how we wish we were swimming at the lake,we aren't doing anything for the glory of God.We are doing nothing. If I have my bible on my desk all week,and never pick it up,I am not doing anything. We should commit every minute of our lives to Christ,focusing on Him. Yes,we can spread the gospel,we can teach,we can share all we have,but if our heart is not in the right place,or we are one way in church and another out,or we are doing only so we get in return,what we do is in vain. It means nothing for the kingdom of God. It changes your whole attitude if you are in the right place in your heart and your doing dishes for one hour after a big dinner.If you are working twelve hour days,and your heart is focused on Christ,others are going to see Him through your attitude. If we can change our hearts and minds to look like His,remember who He is,and who we are,we can live for Him each day,giving praise and glory in all we do.The next time you are knee deep in work at home,check your attitude and see where your focus is.If its on Christ,He is going to bless your day,no matter what will come.....


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