Thursday, May 28, 2009

To talk or to be quiet?

Many times we get angry with others. Our co-workers,friends,husband,children and those who walk in our paths. Have you ever been driving and you look over at the person driving next to you,and they look as though they are angry at the whole world? So many people are just angry, and many have no cause to be angry at you.They are angry at others,maybe their pasts have caused much hurt,or maybe they are going through something hard and they do not know the Love and forgivness of Jesus. We sometimes don't know whats behind that anger to begin with. Many times our anger comes from deep within and we don't even realize it. We can wake up angry,or wake up just fine and then bang, it all seems to blow up in our faces. We can begin to think about things and we just start to form this anger that wells up within us. For me, I am a talker. I would rather talk things out as to just try to ignore the problem. In Matthew 5:9 it says; "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." We are to bring peace whenever possible. When someone has hurt us, we are to forgive and not carry that anger with us. Ephesians 4:31 says; "Let all bitterness,wrath,anger, clamor,and evil speaking be put away from you,with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God forgives you." We should pray and ask God to do a work in us, to begin with us,and for us to be the example we need to be. We can not be a Savior to anyone. We cannot heal anyone, they must go to Christ for that healing. We must pray for others, lifting them up to the Lord,and not speak wrong of those we love,but only prayer through God's grace will heal wounds and hurting. We must talk about what is hurting us,causing us to become angry. But we shouldn't talk about that with everyone,only the person we are having difficulty with. As we shouldn't go to bed angry, we should be in prayer over all that is hurting us. We should call upon the Lord to teach us, and lead us through our problems. We cannot hide from our problems, they are like a cancer and only grow worse.We have to let go and let God. We have to learn that yelling produces more yelling. It doesnt solve anything. We must pray for our husbands,children,friends,and co-workers,for God to bring healing and to give us strength to carry on. Problems do not get solved over night. Sometimes it may take days,months,even years for healing to come. As long as we begin with ourselves,and start the process of forgivness, God will see us through all. Don't let those troubles heap up on you, and keep you down. Anger will kill all good that Christ is trying to do in us. We must learn to talk and talk with love,not anger. When we can forgive ourselves and ask God to help us to forgive the other person,even if they haven't asked for forgivness, we must forgive them anyway, and treat them with the love that we want to be treated with. So may we learn to talk with love instead of walk with anger.


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