Friday, April 17, 2009

Our Day at the Zoo

Today my son and I woke and decided to go to the zoo.We love the zoo,and can't wait to go each year.Many times we go quite often.We spent time at the zoo and seen everything,except the penguines.It was a beautiful day,the sun was shining,the breeze was blowing softly,and laughter was everywhere.Babies were everywhere in sight,with their mommas holding them,while the little ones following close in hand.We took funny pictures,shared laughs,and saw all of Gods creation in one place.The beauty of flowers all around,the swans,elephants,tigers,snakes,birds,ect..and the people with joy on their faces was great.Its always a wonderful time with my son at the zoo.God blesses us each time we go.After seeing everything at the zoo we went into the park,spread out our blanket and ate our packed lunch,which for some reason just always tastes great.We relaxed for a while then traveled on over to the art museum,and saw beautiful works of art.I am amazed at art,and how talented those artists are.They have a talent that the Lord gave them,and then to share with the world.It is awesome how everything always comes back to God,and what He has done for us.No matter where I am,I can see the Lords hand in everything.How each stripe on the zebra,and giraffe are all different,none the same.Just like our fingerprints,or the snowflakes that fall in the winter.God made each animal and person unique,with His loving hands to give Him glory for all.We love those days at the zoo,each moment is priceless with my son,and to share all of Gods wonder with him,just makes it even more so.


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