Sunday, March 29, 2009

Are you a Martha or a Mary?

I will begin my entry with a verse from Luke 10:41-42.It says this: "The Lord said to her,My dear Martha,you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about.Mary has discovered it,and it will not be taken away from her."Are you Mary,sitting at the feet of Jesus learning,or are you a Martha doing all you can do,and trying to get all the details in life right? If I am honest,I have to say I want the heart of Mary,but get caught up in the details of life,and end up being Martha in this world. Here Mary was letting go of all the STUFF,and spending time with Jesus,and Martha is in the kitchen and running through the house trying to get all the things done.I think she thought she would make Him proud of her if she completed all she thought she had to do.How do we get so mixed up in this world? I want to sit at the feet of my Savior,and learn all I can about Him,but I struggle so much with trying so hard to make all things perfect,and pleasing to God. When we read this beautiful story of these two sisters, who couldn't be more different,it is a picture of our lives. As I read this story today again,it made me realize I have to let go of all the STUFF,and just turn to Jesus and listen to Him speak to me. In life we get so caught up in making things the way they should be,and then upset when they are not. We just have to let it all go,and put our trust and hope in Jesus.Live for Him,and let Him care for all the rest.All that stuff was not meant for us to handle alone.Mary had it so right.She didnt waste time with the little stuff,or even the big.She loved and trusted Jesus enough to know that He was what is really important,and He will take care of the rest. Martha was like a buzzing bee,moving around like a mad woman trying to make things perfect.I think she learned from Mary that day,just as I have learned again to just let it all go.


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