Sunday, February 1, 2009

Marriage, is it easy for you?

Okay, I found in 1 Peter 3:1-7, where it is talking about husband and wife.It gives very sound advice,but do any of you struggle in this area also? I love my husband with all my heart and I know he loves me, but I know we sure don't always show it. Its either me saying its his fault, or him saying its mine. Why does marriage have to be so hard at times? Remember when you first met, and you knocked yourselves out for one another? Now its kinda like oh, whatever, you go your way and I'll do my thing. Its not suppose to be that way. Love is suppose to strengthen, and grow, not weaken and wilt. Why do we tend to hurt each other? Is it because we have just become so complacent? We have just gotten so use to the other, and we have taken them for granit? I want those first days back, I want to feel love everyday. In so many ways I still do, but there should be more. Yes, it takes two people. Why do we tend to give up so easily? Do we stick it out and talk, pray together, and just even listen to what the other is saying? Or our we just seeing ourselves? My mom had told me long ago, marriage was like a job, you have to work at it all the time. I believe this is true. If our marriages are intertwined with Christ, then there are those three strands that will not break, with Christ that middle strand, and us the other two. We seem to leave Christ out, when He should be right there in the middle, holding our marriage together,and solid. we want our children to grow and have wonderful marriages, we need to give them good examples to follow. Every day we should be praying for our spouse, for Christ to lead them, and for them to follow,and to be the person Christ wants them to be. So I guess, it all starts with prayer. So thats the question I will leave you with, how are you doing with that prayer, me? I believe I need some work.....


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